Omschrijving website:

It is the best suitable domain for all people who are thinking of starting a proxy list as it already includes the keyword "Proxy List".

You would only require to do a little of SEO work and you would have it raging with search engine traffic .

Leeftijd site (maanden): Few days

Maandelijks inkomsten:None
Details: is the registerar so it should not be any issue

No of search (acc to google) :823,000 annually so you can see with little effort you will be able to get traffic and convert it in to income .

Unieke bezoekers/dag: I can see 10 -20 UV everyday in my awstats even without doing any promotion nothing

Stating: 35 Euro
Increase :5 Euro
Bin: 80 Euro

Waarom verkopen:

I am planning to get out of proxy niche .

Betaling via:
Paypal ( I Have verified PP )

Please if you have any doubts PM me or ask here :) If you want to leave any private offers please PM.

WIS MIJ: (De titel van je topic is als volgt samengesteld: | xxxbez/dag | xx€ inkomsten/mnd)