Msn invite makkelijk.
Voor wat dan ook werkt op elk e-mail adres!
Je mag hem zelf hellemaal bewerken hij valt ook totaal te bewerken.
Demo: verplicht
€ 2,50
Volledige rechten je mag hem doorverkopen
Betaling via:
Mollie / Ideal
Ideal: Even contact opnemen: [email protected]
- Msn invite script
1229 × bekeken sinds 25-05-2009, 22:02 #1
Msn invite script
25-05-2009, 22:19 #2Ondernemer
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- 1.111
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- 15 Jaar
wel nice :P
ik zal erover nadenken :D
EDIT: ik koop hem morgen (A)
25-05-2009, 22:23 #3Particulier
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- 17 Jaar
Dit is toch een gratis script? Je hebt alleen de achtergrond veranderd of niet?
26-05-2009, 07:25 #4
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- 15 Jaar
$elements) { if($elements['status'] == "FLN") { $dummyArray2[$email] = $elements; } else { $dummyArray[$email] = $elements; } } $showContactlist = array(); if(is_array($dummyArray)) { foreach($dummyArray as $email => $elements) { $showContactlist[$email] = $elements; } } if(is_array($dummyArray2)) { foreach($dummyArray2 as $email => $elements) { $showContactlist[$email] = $elements; } } foreach ($showContactlist as $email => $elements) { $name = $email; $nickname = urldecode($elements['username']); $list.= "Email:".$name."
\r\n"; $list.= "Nickname:".$nickname."
\r\n"; } } return $list; } // // Grabbing the contactlist // echo "
Please be patient, this can take several minutes...
\r\n\r\n"; echo ""; flush(); $connection = fsockopen('', 1863) or die("\r\n"); echo "\r\n"; flush(); dataOut("VER $transactionID $msnProtocol CVR0"); dataIn(); dataOut("CVR $transactionID 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 7.5.0324 MSMSGS $username"); dataIn(); dataOut("USR $transactionID TWN I $username"); $temp = dataIn(); if(!stristr($temp, ":")) { if(substr($temp, 0, 3) == 601) { die("The following error occured:
\r\n The MSN Servers are currently down."); } else { die("Your username/password combination doesn't match.
\r\n"); } } @fclose($connection); $tempArray = explode(" ", $temp); $tempArray = explode(":", $tempArray[3]); flush(); $connection = fsockopen($tempArray[0], $tempArray[1]) or die("No XFR commando found:
{$tempArray[0]} :{$tempArray[1]}"); dataOut("VER $transactionID $msnProtocol CVR0"); dataIn(); flush(); dataOut("CVR $transactionID 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 7.5.0324 MSMSGS $username"); dataIn(); dataOut("USR $transactionID TWN I $username"); $temp = dataIn(); $tempArray = explode(" ", $temp); flush(); $TokenString = trim(end($tempArray)); echo "\r\n"; flush(); $nexusSocket = fsockopen("ssl://", 443); fputs($nexusSocket, "GET /rdr/pprdr.asp HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); while ($temp != "\r\n"){ $temp = fgets($nexusSocket, 1024); if(substr($temp, 0, 12) == "PassportURLs") { $urls = substr($temp, 14); } } $tempArray = explode(",", $urls); $temp = $tempArray[1]; $temp = substr($temp, 8); $tempArray = explode("/", $temp); @fclose($nexusSocket); $sslConnection = fsockopen("ssl://".$tempArray[0], 443); fputs($sslConnection, "GET /{$tempArray[1]} HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET, OrgUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in=".urlencode($username).",pwd=$password,$TokenSt ring\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "User-Agent: MSMSGS\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "Host: {$tempArray[0]}\r\n"); //fputs($sslConnection, "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n"); $temp = fgets($sslConnection, 512); if(rtrim($temp) == "HTTP/1.1 302 Found") { echo ""; flush(); while($temp != "\r\n") { $temp = fgets($sslConnection, 256); if(substr($temp, 0, 9) == "Location:") { $tempArray = explode(":", $temp); $tempArray = explode("/", trim(end($tempArray))); break; } } @fclose($sslConnection); $sslConnection = fsockopen("ssl://".$tempArray[2], 443); fputs($sslConnection, "GET /{$tempArray[3]} HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET, OrgUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in=".urlencode($username).",pwd=$password,$TokenSt ring\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "User-Agent: MSMSGS\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "Host: {$tempArray[2]}\r\n"); //fputs($sslConnection, "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); fputs($sslConnection, "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n"); } elseif(rtrim($temp) == "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized") { echo ""; @fclose($sslConnection); die; } else { if(rtrim($temp) != "HTTP/1.1 200 OK") { echo "Unknown HTTP status code:
".$temp; flush(); die(); } } while($temp != "\r\n") { $temp = fgets($sslConnection, 1024); if(substr($temp, 0, 19) == "Authentication-Info") { $authInfo = $temp; $temp = fgets($sslConnection, 1024); if(substr($temp, 0, 14) != "Content-Length") { $authInfo.= fgets($sslConnection, 1024); } break; } } @fclose($sslConnection); $tempArray = explode("'", $authInfo); echo ""; flush(); dataOut("USR $transactionID TWN S {$tempArray[1]}"); flush(); $temp = dataIn(); switch(substr($temp, 0, 3)) { case "928": case "911": echo "\r\n"; @fclose($sslConnection); die(); break; } flush(); $timeSinceInitmsg = time(); while(!strstr($temp, "ABCHMigrated") && is_string(trim($temp))) { if(substr($temp, 0, 3) == "sid") { $sid = trim(substr($temp, 5)); } if(substr($temp, 0, 2) == "kv") { $kv = trim(substr($temp, 4)); } if(substr($temp, 0, 7) == "MSPAuth") { $mspauth = trim(substr($temp, 9)); flush(); } $temp = dataIn(); } $temp = dataIn(); echo "\r\n"; flush(); //dataOut("CHG $transactionID FLN"); dataOut("SYN $transactionID 0 0"); echo "\r\n"; dataIn(); flush(); stream_set_timeout($connection, 0, 1); while(!feof($connection)) { $stuff = trim(fgets($connection, 512)); switch (substr($stuff, 0, 3)){ case "CHL": //Server PING $parts = explode(" ", $stuff); $key = $parts[2]; dataOut("QRY $transactionID 32\r\n".doChallenge(trim($key))); break; case "PBR": //Antwoord na commando LST (Niet echt belangrijk) case "NLN": $boom = explode(' ',$stuff); if (!empty($statussen[$boom[1]])){ $contactList[$boom[2]]['status'] = $boom[1]; $contactList[$boom[2]]['username'] = $boom[3]; showContactlist(); } break; case "SYN": $tempArray = explode(" ",$stuff); $four = $tempArray[4]; break; case "MSG": $tempArray = explode(" ",$stuff); $message = ""; while(strlen($message) < $tempArray[3]){ $message.= fgets($connection, 256); } $temp = explode("\r\n", $message); if ($asdf[1] == "Content-type: application/x-msmsgssystemmessage") { $tempArray = explode(":",$temp[3]); $type = $tempArray[1]; $tempArray = explode(":",$temp[4]); $arg1 = $tempArray[1]; if ($type == 1){ echo "\r\n"; } } break; case "FLN": $tempArray = explode(" ",$stuff); $contactList[$tempArray[1]]['status'] = "FLN"; showContactlist(); break; case "OUT": if (substr($stuff,4,3) == 'OTH'){ echo "\r\n"; @fclose($connection); die(); } else { echo "\r\n"; @fclose($connection); die(); } break; case "PRP": $tempArray = explode(" ",$stuff); if ($tempArray[1] == "MFN"){ $huidigeNaam = $tempArray[3]; } break; case "LST": echo "\r\n"; $tempArray = explode(" ",$stuff); if((substr($tempArray[1], 0, 2) == "N=") && (!is_numeric($tempArray[2]))) { echo urldecode(substr($tempArray[1], 2))."
\r\n"; $sql = "INSERT INTO `contactlijst` SET `adres` = '".urldecode(substr($tempArray[1], 2))."'"; mysql_query($sql); } break; case "LSG": $tempArray = explode(" ",$stuff); $groups[$tempArray[2]] = $tempArray[1]; break; case "CHG": $tempArray = explode(" ",$stuff); $nieuweStatus = $tempArray[2]; break; case "BLP": // Geblokkeerd of niet? case "GTC": break; case "403": echo "An error has occured, please try again.
"; break; } flush(); } } echo "\r\n"; echo ""; ?>
En MSN invite is inderdaad een gratis script.
26-05-2009, 08:12 #5
- Berichten
- 24
- Lid sinds
- 15 Jaar
Ja maar deze is zelf gescript en als je hem gratis vind kunt downloaden ga je maar zoeken, en de demo is gefixt ga maar kijken,
26-05-2009, 10:20 #6
- Berichten
- 96
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- 15 Jaar en BIJNA hetzelfde
26-05-2009, 15:10 #7
- Berichten
- 24
- Lid sinds
- 15 Jaar
Doe je dat, Ik hoef geen comentaar op mijn verkoop aub,
26-05-2009, 16:46 #8
- Berichten
- 252
- Lid sinds
- 16 Jaar
Schandalig, dacht al die scripts lijken allemaal op anderen! Foei , Foei!
Je naam zegt het al: Banning , whaha grapje xd
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