Whether you need something fresh written in Dutch or English, translated from Dutch to English or vice versa, whether it's website content or a press release for an international audience, perhaps there's something that I can do for you.

I'm Dutch, and even though I don't think I have a gift for languages, English has always come easy to me. At age 12, I assisted teaching English to kids one year younger than me. Now, at age 31, I write in Dutch and English part-time. I have written well over 200 articles for the Dutch site FOK! (www.fok.nl), and spent three years working as product manager of the largest online community for teens in the Netherlands, owned by Telegraaf Media Groep.

Feel free to contact me if there's anything textual in English or Dutch that you need. Rates depend on a number of things, and a good writer never comes cheap, but I'm sure we will be able to figure something out! A special note to business owners: I have a VAT number.

Kortom, in het Nederlands:
Ik schrijf uw persbericht of website content, vertaal van en naar het Engels, maar bovenal: ik werk snel, secuur, ben creatief en denk met u mee! Wilt u meer informatie, of heeft u een vraag? Stuur me een PM, of mail naar michel [at] hypercreative.nl!