Omschrijving website:
BlogLovers is een volledig functioneel blogplatform gericht op vrouwen, zit maanden van werk in en er is meer dan 30.000 euro in geďnvesteerd (facturen beschikbaar... design, programmering, domeinnaam, explainer video's e/d).

Aangezien we er geen tijd meer in willen investeren de verkooppitch in het Engels:
BlogLovers is a cross platform blog service which facilitates in the increased demand to share personalised stories online. It focuses on female aspiring bloggers with a lack of technical knowledge to realise a blog with existing tooling from a.o. WordPress. It offers a browser based style manager which enables users to tailor the look and outlay of the blog intuitively. For this purpose it also offers multiple topic based templates which give the user a heads start.

Besides the numerous styling options, the BlogLovers platform includes multiple widgets like a lookbook and logo creator which facilitates in both the creative and commercial demands of a modern female blogger. Furthermore, the blogger has a unique interface which enables her to keep track of number page views but also the amount of items sold through our affiliate set up. While writing a blogpost users can include what we call "rows", this can be for example a photo or a lookbook. Some example videos can be found below:

The project can be managed by a very advanced admin panel. Through the admin panel you are able to translate the site, start ad campaigns, make payouts to bloggers, edit site details, manage the images uploaded, manage blog, manage blogposts, create advertising on the blogs, manage comments and much more. Some screenshots:

Last but not least, the blogger can opt for a customised domain which is fully facilitated by BlogLovers and can earn actual money with her blog. The latter is set up as a revenue sharing concept, where the advertisement and affiliate sales through a specific blog is tracked and shared with the blogger. The affiliate products can be integrated in a blogpost through serveral tools which we offer to the blogger.

The earnings model has three important drivers: subscription fees, affiliate sales and advertisement revenue.

What is the current status of the platform?

The current status of the platform is fully operational, post AB testing. The platform has soft launched in the Netherlands ( where it proved to be ready from an operational perspective.

Further relevant specifications:

  • Full mobile functionality (also post AB testing phase)
  • Professionally designed templates
  • Accessible backend including a user friendly dashboard with all relevant financial and operational KPIs
  • Scalable to multiple languages through back end translation tool
  • Backend flexible to change (subscription) specifications
  • Tailor build widgets
  • Including URL (, and possibly
  • Unique dedicated developed branding including logo and explainer video

(The concept can be transferred through both a share or asset deal)

Why is the concept for sale?

The timing of the sale prior to full commercial exposure is initiated by the personal circumstance of the three founders. Due to the required attention of other projects in the market of expertise of the current founders (online gaming) and the move of one of the founders to London, a launch is deemed to get too little focus.
Leeftijd site (maanden): 8

Maandelijks inkomsten: 10 euro
Details: te verwaarlozen

Unieke bezoekers/dag: 15
Details & stats:

Waarom verkopen:
Staat in de verkooppitch. Te druk met andere projecten, niet de aandacht beschikbaar die het concept nodig heeft om van de grond te komen.

Kunnen geen support en ondersteuning bieden ook i.v.m. dezelfde redenen. Wel kunnen we alle gegevens van de programmeurs overhandigen. Programmeur heeft tevens aangegeven alle fouten in het concept op te lossen, maar we hebben het al zoveel getest dat er eigenlijk geen fouten meer in kunnen en mogen zitten ;-)

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